Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Gamine With A Head Full of Information and A Mind Full of Ideas.

Quiet DeathMarilyn Monroe & Audrey Hepburnjulybirdvintage-vinil | Flickr – Compartilhamento de fotos!
         You can never learn too much. I think I finally disagree with that opinion. Recently, learning about driving, SAT tests, Study strategies, ballet, piano and other things are about to literally blow my mind. It doesn't help that it is hot hot hot right now. The cool thing is I've found so many post ideas in my SAT Prep book. In the English part of the test, we have to read passages from an article or book and then answer questions. The passages are very interesting and are on topics ranging from random experiences-astronomy. (btw, the passages are made to be long/full of information so that you'll get so bored or so involved that you'll waste valuable time in the timed test. ) Of course, you can ignore the trick and then get back to it later, which is  ironic, because you're not falling for the trick, but, you are also taking advantage of the trick. I digress,but, the point is: Some interesting posts will be coming up.
Das Cabinet Des Dr. Caligari : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-ДневниковБольшой город: Париж и парижане — Look At Me — поток «Фотография»ErrorPerpetually Speaking
       Also , in my study strategies class we  discussed power processes. My favorite power process is called "I create it all." It is a way of taking control of your life and circumstances instead of becoming a victim. A driving example: if you are hit from behind, you can think,"its not my fault I was hit from behind.". Or you can use the "I create it all"process and think "If I was driving slower and utilising my turn signals, I probably wouldn't have been hit", and then, change your habits. A fashion example that soo applies to me: If you end up wearing something too warm or too cold for the weather, you can think "it's not my fault the weather keeps changing its mind." and become a victim. Or you can use the power process and think, "I didn't check the weather forecast and I didn't engage my layering abilities, so, next time I will do both of those things." and put yourself in control. Of course, we don't create all things and we are victims at times. But, in day to day stuff, I find the "I create it all" logic very liberating. It makes me more optimistic knowing that most of my "problems" are in my control. A little side note, it is crazy how much diet, exercise and music/reading/tv choices can affect outlook, moods even personaility. I know that is old news but believe me, it is true to an almost scary level. I hope in a few years to do a controlled experiment on that and write a detailed book on my results.
To conclude: a music video by Angus and Julia Stone. Enjoy:)
Angus and Julia Stone – The BeastBuy Angus & Julia Stone Tickets at Oran Mor, Glasgow on 19th Apr 2011 | livemusic.fm

Much thanks for reading. Many many hugs and warm feelings. <3


  1. Ooh I need to try this strategy out, I want to become a more optimistic person!!

  2. Your blog is the best))Very interesting and nice post!!

  3. I TOTALLY agree with your theory of the passages on the SATS. when i took them in May, I either a. fell asleep reading about video game arguments and theorys on car motors, or b. couldn't stop thinking about a selection or short story and ended up spending wayy too much time on it! can't wait for new posts :)

  4. yes! I totally agree! I only very recently started to try and have this kind of attitude. Now I try and concentrate on all the amazing things I do have instead of going, why me? I've had health problems that have made me feel so screwed over by the world, but with all the great people that surround me, especially my wonderful boyfriend, I have so much to be grateful for!

    sometimes writing a list of the things we are grateful for and the things we love is so inspiring!

    This blogger: http://galadarling.com/ totally inspired me with what she calls Radical Self Love.

    hope you don't mind all my kinda long effusive comments :)


Thank you super much for reading this post and commenting. I love reading comments and blogs. Many hugs.:)